Get to the Root Cause of Pain
Instead of Being Treated for the Rest of Your Life
What causes a joint to get stuck, needing the adjustments so many people crave? As our ad pointed out, joints cannot get stuck in space. An external force must be keeping them restricted, most often soft tissues, consisting of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia.
Our advanced techniques out of Italy are employed to reduce pain, increase range-of-motion, and release tension. This allows us to significantly reduce or eliminate pain from a primary complaint in much fewer visits, and often permanently!

You can have
Increased Range of Motion
Decreased Pain
Relief from Pinched Nerves
Is Your Body Limiting What You Can Do In Life?
Painful Movements
Limitations in Exercise
Back/Neck Stiffness
Prior injuries, repetitive imbalanced postures, and trauma all cause the fluids between our fascia to become restricted. This leads to a pulling on the receptors that set the tone of the muscles nearby. If this tone becomes too great it can lead to too much tension, decreased range-of-motion, and/or pain. This tension can travel across the body causing compensations all along the related lines of tension.
At Mile High Sports Chiropractic, we use advanced techniques out of Italy employed to reduce pain, increase range-of-motion, and release tension. This allows us to significantly reduce or eliminate pain from a primary complaint in much fewer visits, and often permanently!
Our goal is to avoid unnecessary surgeries and injections to get you moving again the way you enjoy. We treat many different athletes, active weekend warriors, and those that just need to keep moving without pain.
What does this mean for you?
​Less time warming up prior to exercise
Fewer aches and pains
More mobility

Increased lubrication between tissues to improve the sliding and gliding on muscles, resulting in less pain and more mobility.
What Our Clients Say
Prior injuries, movement and postural patterns, as well as traumas are evaluated to see if your pain was caused by a trauma, repetitive/overuse, or compensations from either or both. This can sometimes be across or distant from the pain but allows us to take care of the pain as well as the root cause. Doing so leads to long lasting and often permanent results from injuries sometimes greater than 30 years old!
Ankle sprains
Back pain
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Chronic pain
Degenerative Disc Disease
Degenerative Joint Disease
Elbow pain
Hand pain
Neck pain
Shoulder pain/restrictions
Plantar fasciitis
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Frequently Asked Questions
Do you take Insurance?
Unfortunately not, but we do take an HSA. Because most insurances only reimburses for about 8 minutes of care, and because of the specialized nature of our care offerings, we see patients for much longer than 8 minutes. -
How long are your sessions?
The first visit is one hour. Follow up visits are determined by the outcome of the first visit. We often see full resolvement of a primary complaint in 1-3 visits. -
Will the session be painful?
Releasing chemical bonds that have often been there for years is not always easy and the treatment can be uncomfortable to painful. It is temporary and stops at any time if necessary. -
Should I take something for the pain before I arrive?
No. We will create some inflammation at various points along the body and do not want to change the natural healing effects as it could reduce the long-term effectiveness of the treatment. -
What is Fascia?
Fascia consists of multiple collagen sheets separated by a fluid, called extracellular matrix, acting as a lubricant. It surrounds every fiber of a muscle as well as the connection between muscles. It also surrounds and suspends our organs, nerves, and vessels. -
This is a Chiropractic clinic, do you adjust?
Since joints cannot get stuck in space without an outside force like restricted tissues, we address the tissues first. If the joint is still restricted after treating the tissues an adjustment may be added to get full range-of-motion or to reduce pain. It is case-by-case dependent. -
What is expected after treatment?
Points that we work may be tender to the touch for 3-4 days. Specific stretches and/or exercises may be prescribed to help this. Ice is not recommended during the healing phase, heat can be used if pain is still present after initial 48 hours post treatment. Anti-inflammatories are not recommended as we want the tissues to heal.