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Athletic Woman Stretching

Treat Smarter. 
Play Harder.

Mile High Sports Chiropractic Logo

Dr. Matt Teigen, DC specializes in functional assessment and treatment of athletes. From professional athletes to 5K runners, Dr. Teigen specializes in creating a personalized optimization plan for every individual he works with. This will likely involve treatment to physical structures in the body as well as working on sport specific movement patterns and training your nervous system to optimize performance.


We also offer shockwave therapy for breaking up long lasting injuries as well as Iron Neck training for coming back from a neck injury, bullet proofing your neck for sports, or to improve posture.

  • Sports specific movement screening


  • Understand which tissues and structures(muscle, tendon, ligament, bone, fascia, and joint spaces) are limiting you


  • Treatment of tissues specific to your structural limitations using the most effective treatment modalities 


  • Training modifications specific to your body in order to enhance sport performance 

Chiropractic Services Provided 

What is Fascia?

Fascia has taken on many definitions throughout the years but has more or less been defined as layers of tissues that cover the muscles and flow throughout the body. Fascia, as we will define here, is a soft tissue that structures itself in many different ways depending on its environment and is found throughout the entire body at all depths. We will also include tendons, ligaments and even the outside layer of the bone(periosteum) with its associated “transition zone” - the area between the periosteum of the bone and its corresponding tendon/ligament attachments, in our list of Fascial elements.

Why is this tissue important? There are many reasons, however, we will only be discussing two of them.

Reason #1:  Fascia is a sensory rich organ 

To explain the sensory element of the fascia, I am going to quote Dr. Robert Schleip from “Fascia as an Organ of Communication”

“It is now recognized that fascial network is one of our richest sensory organs. The surface area of this network is endowed with millions of endomysial sacs and other membranous pockets with a total surface area that by far surpasses that of the skin or any other body tissues. A myriad of tiny unmyelinated ‘free’ nerve endings are found almost everywhere in fascial tissues, but particularly in periosteum, in endomysial and perimysial layers, and in visceral connective tissues. If we include these smaller fascial nerve endings in our calculation, then the amount of fascial receptors may possibly be equal or even superior to that of the retina, so far considered as the richest sensory human organ. However, for the sensorial relationship with our own body – whether it consists of pure proprioception, nociception or the more visceral interoception – fascia provides definitely our most important perceptual organ.” 

If you are experiencing the result of any abnormal sensory input - pain,  discomfort, loss of stability, etc., your fascia is likely involved in some way. 

Abnormal fascial movement

Normal fascial movement

Reason #2: Fascial restrictions can significantly limit range of motion and function


The easiest way to understand how fascial structures can 

limit your mobility and range of motion is by understanding the concept of biotensegrity.


Biotensegrity, a term coined by Dr. Stephen Levin, is the application of tensegrity principles to biological structures. Biological structures such as muscles, bones, fascia, ligaments and tendons, or rigid and elastic cell membranes, are made strong by the unison of tensioned and compressed parts.

In this model, the solid rods represent bones, the elastic bands represent the fascia, and my hands represent the force produced by muscles. As the muscles intentionally moves a bone, Fascial structures attached to that bone will then apply tension on other bones and Fascial elements. This is all normal physiology. A problem arises when you have restrictions in Fascial structures, which then limit how the structures around it are able to function and move. 

What does all of this mean for the athlete? If you are not addressing your pain and dysfunction by assessing your specific Fascial pain presentations and having them treated directly, then you are leaving a mountain of performance potential on the table. DO NOT guess and check when it comes to your performance. Click here to begin unveiling your full performance potential. 

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